Hi Coach!

You are about to start the journey of your life!


This Professional Master and our Official School will boost your career to the level you have always dreamed of.

From the hands and classes of Prof. Vítor Frade himself, emerged coaches such as Vítor Pereira, Rui Quinta, Carlos Carvalhal, Luis Castro, André Villas-Boas, Pep Lijnders and Vítor Matos, to name just a few…

Now its their turn to share this astonishing knowledge with the world!

With YOU!

Don’t miss this one-in-a-million opportunity to be part of this team.

Join us!

An Up-To-Date Curriculum

Our b-learning training activities held by the best trainers in the world will be composed of synchronous meetings and asynchronous online classes.
The individualized tutorials and the exclusive face-to-face week held in Porto (Portugal) will be vital to meet and to build a relationship with all arround the world coaches.
In the end, after a final project approval you will receive the Professional Certification in Tactical Periodisation® and to add your profile to the Periodização Táctica® World Network.


Topics covered:

What’s the understanding of Tactical Periodisation® in contrast with the rooted conventional;

Football, a “total anthroposocial phenomenon”;

The exaltation of “INTERaction”, a structural-functional invariant of the structure of the performance of FOOTBALL for the (re)conceptualization of Football, the Game, the Play and the Team.

Topics covered:

The football team understood as a homeodynamic, adaptive and dynamic system and necessarily as an evolutive homeostasis;

The game of football built by “moments” or categorizing collective patterns?;

The understanding of the game dimensions (tactical, technical, physical, psychological, strategical) under the light of complexity;

The necessity of recognizing football as a game governed by (Super-dimension) Tactics, as an a priori aspirable and gradually modelable throughoutthe training process;

The super-dimension Tactics as an acculturation of game play.

Topics covered:

Training as an acquisition process, a systemic modeling;

Macro, meso e micro game principles. The interactive principles promoted by criterion;

Intentionality in modeling the process as praxiology.

Topics covered:

The game of football: metabolic implications. What is really relevant to promote during training?;

Parabiosis and exaltation of collective and individual performance;

Algorithmic pattern: specificities of “Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday”;

Adaptation / adaptability, structural-functional invariance with acculturating homeostasis, a consequence of the acquisitive process thatcodifies temporality;

The transcendental plane of Specificity – a conditional procedural condition (the context with ONE sense).

Topics covered:

«Study cases». The hierarchy for the process modeling, expressed in the systematic repetition of the Pattern Morphocycle;

Training unit = structural and functional hierarchy or fractal operationality of the process;

Morphocycle for matches separated by 6 days (sunday to saturday);

Morphocycle for a week with 3 matches;

Adaptation of Morphocycle days (2 or 3 practices a week);

Performance-recovery management of the non-used players.
Topics covered:

Methodological Principle of the Propensities;

Methodological Principle of Horizontal Alternation in (S) specificity;

Methodological Principle of Complex Progression;

The hierarchy for the process modeling, expressed in the systematic repetition of the Morfociclo Padrão (Pattern Morphocycle), the constructionalgorithm.


Topics covered:

A Game Play: the driver of the team and player (s) process from the beginning to the end of the season. Problematization of some«problem-themes»;

The emerging of the Specificity in different contexts. Study cases and practical applications;

«Phenomenotechnics». The trainer as a ‘brain-mechanism’ that regulates the process or the opening of systems to ‘retro-feeding'(maybethe translation is feedback) or causal non-linearity


Topics covered:

Conscience, a Subjective and Plural concept, on a Plural Phenomenon, but objectionable;

The necessity of a football with a feeling (Futebol Sentido), and the need to give sense to the feelings of that football, the key of the process;

The creation of habits as presuppositions for a good game play, in anticipation of what happens;

Bodily (Inter)Action, Game Intelligence as a Bodily Knowledge (InCorporAção).


Topics covered:

Development of a Diary along the course including reflections of all the lectures, doubts, insights, readings and conclusions.

Morphocycle development in work context.

At the end of the course there should be one single document, in the format you wish, comprehending the whole path of the course.


Do you have any questions?

Contact us for more information using the form below!


Among many others…